5 Habits To Strengthen Your Spiritual Life

Are you wanting to develop your spiritual muscles?

Just as you workout your physical muscles to stay in shape, there are spiritual disciplines that you can do to strengthen your spirit.

As a Christian, I try to perform the following daily habits:

Read a Psalm. This can be so impactful! The Psalms are a collection of 150 songs and poems to God that express a variety of emotions, from sorrow to delight. It gives you language to worship and express your heart to God. Use it as a daily “primer” to your relationship with God!

Read a Proverb. The book of Proverbs is separated into 31 chapters which easily correlates to the 31 days in most months. Take some time to read today’s chapter and receive inspirational wisdom. There is so much locked into the book of Proverbs, it’s worth digging up!

Declare Your Identity. When you give your life to Christ, you become a new creation. There is a real spiritual change, but your mind still needs to be renewed. One way to do this is by speaking the truth to yourself daily.

Here’s a list you can use

Meditate on Jesus. Many Bibles put the words of Jesus in red to highlight His powerful teachings. We often read through it so quickly, that we miss the deeper meaning. Try taking 1–3 verses, read it slowly and repeatedly and let it soak.

Journal. How do you feel? What are you thankful for? What are you anxious about? These are great things to jot down into a journal and express your heart to God. Later in life, you will be thankful to look back and see the testimony of God’s working in your life.

How about you?

Do you have any daily habits that help strengthen your spiritual life?


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