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How to Become a Generous Disciple (4 Tips)
Travis Nicholson Travis Nicholson

How to Become a Generous Disciple (4 Tips)

Our lack of generosity is not healthy. Multiple studies have linked generosity with happiness, and even greater amounts of data suggest that hoarding our resources leads to lower levels of happiness. Perhaps this is why Jesus talked about money more than any other issue in the New Testament.

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5 Habits To Strengthen Your Spiritual Life
Travis Nicholson Travis Nicholson

5 Habits To Strengthen Your Spiritual Life

Just as you workout your muscles to stay in physical shape, there are spiritual disciplines that you can do to strengthen your spirit. As a Christian, I try to perform the following daily habits…

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House Church - The 4 Things You Need
Travis Nicholson Travis Nicholson

House Church - The 4 Things You Need

Church is all about relationships. We often think it’s a program or event, but the essence of church is people. A major part of gathering as the people of God is to interact with one another, serve one another and see spiritual gifts manifest among one another.

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